Thursday, February 28, 2008

39 weeks...6 more days to go!

39 weeks and 1 day! We've only got 6 more days to go! Baby Hartman will be here in exactly 6 days. We are being induced on Wednesday, March 5th at 5am. So, baby Hartman will be born on his due date, that is unless he decides to come early, which would be totally fine with Rob and I. I had a doctor appointment yesterday, which the doctor said I was dilated to 2 1/2 cms, and my cervix was ripe and ready, and she said there was no reason to wait, that we could go ahead and induce next Wednesday!! She is a little concerned since I am measuring small for date- (which has been somewhat normal for this pregnancy...) So- we are having another ultrasound on Monday to double check that he is growing properly and doing well. I think this makes Ultrasound #4, actually #5 if you count the 3d-4d one we had done in December. But it is better to be safe and check little man's health. we go, it's down to crunch time- little guy is making his arrival within a week!! Be sure to keep us in our prayers. Can't wait for you all to meet him- We'll post pictures ASAP!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

38 weeks!

38 weeks... only 2 more to go, assuming that Baby Hartman will arrive on time. We've got the nursery pretty much together by now. Still a little work to do yet. Rob is working on painting and putting up shelves and we still have some things that don't have a place yet! Babies have too much stuff!! I had my 38 week doctor visit today (I'm going every week now). I have officially dilated to 2 cms! Baby Hartman is making progress but we could still be looking at 2-3 weeks. The doctor said she won't let me go more than a week past my due date. Let's pray it doesn't come to that! I want "Dude" to come early, or at least on time. We've finally found a name! But, we're being mean and aren't sharing until he arrives. We want to have one big suprise when he gets out- so just hang on, only a couple more weeks and you'll be in on the secret too. I'm posting pictures of the nursery thus's almost finished!!

Keep us in your prayers as we round up the final round of our pregnancy and prepare to welcome baby into the world!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

35 weeks 3 days!

5 more weeks1! Here we are at 35 weeks and 3 days. I'm getting huge and it's almost time for little baby Hartman to make his entrance into the world! We've been keeping busy with work, childbirth education classes, cleaning the house and preparing the nursery! We can't believe how fast the time has gone! Baby Hartman appears to be doing well- we are having an ultrasound Monday to check his growth and positioning. He's still very active and we've enjoyed watching my belly shift from side to side...he sure does like to wiggle around in there! Keep us in your prayers as we approach our due date! We'll keep you posted! Nursery pictures to come!