Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloween Costumes = Traumatized Grayden

Rob and I bought Grayden a pirate costume for Halloween only to find out that he hated it. He refused to wear the hat, cried uncontrollably when we attempted to put on the jacket, and ran away everytime the costume came into view. Yesterday, a friend from work gave me a Mickey Mouse costume to try, just in case the Pirate wouldn't work. So last night, we attempted the Mouse costume. He hated it too.

For a little while anyway....after several minutes of Rob and I cheering, he finally started to enjoy it.

Rob was extremely weary of the Mouse costume...our son is a boy; a warrior, a fighter, a TRUE boy. But we both had to admit he looked pretty awesome. Since Grayden seemed to get over his fear of the Mouse costume, I thought it would be a good idea to try the Pirate costume again. I laid him on the bed, took of his sweatpants, and put on his brown pirate pants... SUCCESS! No crying yet; so I preceded to put on the jacket...okay a little whimpering, but no crocodile tears yet. And then the hat, Nothing! Not a tear, not a cry...no screaming. SUCCESS! I put him on the ground... and Oh no! And they came: the biggest crocodile tears I have ever seen. And the screaming... it hurt my ears.

After a few minutes of uncontrolable sobbing, a hug from Dad, and a excitable rascal named Riley, the tears and screams subsided and came laughter! He likes it! He does like being a Pirate!

So now here's our dilema... Pirate or Mickey?

It's been suggested that we take him trick or treating twice... once in each outfit. And I think I may be leaning towards that decision the more I consider that we would be getting TWICE the candy! More for me! (Ok- I'll share with Rob too...)