Friday, November 12, 2010


This Hartman family is growing. We are so excited to announce (a little late here) that our family of 3 is becoming a family of 4. Now, I'm not leaving Riley out, I just don't want to confuse anyone by saying we are becoming a family of 5- that is how rumors are spread- and no I'm not pregnant with twins. I may look like I'm carrying twins, but I have been assured that there is just one little bean sprout growing. The new addition to our family will be arriving on or around May 11th. I'm just about 15 weeks along and probably already look 25 weeks pregnant. Okay...not really, but I am in awe of how much faster the second baby bump grows. I had to bust out the maternity clothes like 3 weeks ago! This pregnancy has been much different than the first in several other ways too. I remember being sick with Grayden...but I don't remember being this sick. My designated sick times are somewhere between 4:30 and 6:30 pm. This is also the time I am usually driving home from work. Throwing up in the car while driving is a task that I never thought I would have to master...but I must say I've become a pro. I apologize if I just made anyone sick. Other things have been different too- however, some are just too personal to share on a blog post, so I will reserve those to myself.

In other things growing- Grayden is becoming such a big boy. I can't begin to tell you how much joy he brings Rob and I (and everyone else who comes in contact with him). He is such a good little boy....tantrums are fewer than before and his language is exploding. It amazes me how quickly his little brain learns things. He's doing great in his Tuesday/Thursday school and has learned so much!

He's not 100% sure what Mommy and Daddy mean when we say he is going to be a big brother, but he seems to get excited. When I show him my belly and tell him baby, he lifts his shirt, point to his belly, and says baby! Now, I assure you that my son does know that his belly is a belly, he just thinks he has a baby in his belly too. The first time we told Grayden he would be a big brother, we asked him if he wanted a baby brother or sister, he responded with "baby cookie!". He called the baby "baby cookie" for awhile and now when we ask him if he wants a brother or a sister, he changes his mind about 3-4 times, such as "brother!, no, sister!, no, brother!, no BABY!". We are sure that he will be a great big brother to either, a brother or a sister. However, I will say that I have resolved myself to the fact that we are having another boy. As Rob says, "Hartman's only make boys"...and this has been proven to me when I found out that my sister in law who is due in March is infact- having another boy. So, the world need be prepared for 4 little boy cousins and grandboys in the Hartman family. Now, I must say, that I have not actually had "the" ultrasound (probably in a few weeks), but you can just know, that we will be having another boy.

I have lots of pictures to update with- but haven't gotten around to uploading off my camera, so Halloween and pictures of late will be coming. Until then, enjoy this one of our little Grayden sharing his exciting news.

And enjoy this one- of our little bean sprout who at the time of this ultrasound was about
1 1/2 inches long (10 weeks) Now baby is about the size of an apple!