Tuesday, October 9, 2007

19 weeks

We're almost halfway there! Here's a picture of the growing belly. I've gained about 14 lbs by now and our little man is growing quickly. He's been quite active and I can usually feel him moving around when I'm laying in bed about to fall asleep. The second trimester has been fantastic so far! No more vomiting or nausea, however I have been experiencing some annoying heartburn. But all in all, things are going well and moving very quickly!
Next on our to do list:
Start cleaning out the guest room- clean the office, and begin the nursery.
Think of a name for "Dude"

Will keep you posted.


Kara Graves said...

you are so cute! I am excited for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hartmans i think his name should be Louis, Grady, or Albert, even Corey would work.. I am going to be the best uncle in history.. You will get bubbles, coloring books, crayons, playing cards, trucks, and cookies..oh and a indians stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this boy won't be as physically challenged or as uncoordinated as his father, if you were to ask me, he should probably look to one of his uncles for some guidance.

I too think Huey is a good name. Uncle Brian thinks this kid is going to be an Indians fan, thats laughable.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! You really look pregnant!!!!

Anonymous said...

you are the most adorable pregnant person I've ever seen!!!

The Steckel Family said...

oh Jen...you look soooo cute!!! I am so excited and we are just so happy for you guys!!! Love you...trying to think of a name for Baby Dude Hartman!! lol

Anonymous said...

Jenn, what do you mean, get a name...., what's wrong with Dude Hartman. With that name, he's all set to be a wrestler in the WWE, or an actor in westerns!

Love you,

Uncle Chas

Melodee said...

Hey Jen,
You look amazing... you are the cutest pregant woman Ive ever seen. Ive always liked Graer or you could spell it Grayer... : ) When I had Sophie Iwasnt planning on naming her that, but when I saw her thats what I felt that her name should be ....so maybe when you have him you'll look at him and you'll just know : )