Monday, June 23, 2008

Growing Like a Weed! 3 and 1/2 months!

It's hard to believe that mr. Grayden is 3 1/2 months! He's growing so fast. He's rolling over so easily now, holding his head up like it's nobody's buisness, and talking up a storm! Okay, he's not really talking- he can't say real words yet, but he does go babble on and sometimes I swear I can understand him. Like when he says "uh oh" after he knocks one of his toys, and when he looks at me and says " Hi mom, you're the best!" Yes, that's right, he is pretty smart!

Rob's been really enjoying staying home with him and playing the part of "Mr. Mom". I think we need to rent the movie for him to watch. He's done really well with Grayden and I think he's enjoying taking naps and reading Dr. Seuss with Grayden. As for me, I'm loving my job working as the outpatient dietitian in Murfreesboro. And as for Riley- she couldn't be happier with her new brother. She's become his protecter. She's always in the same room as Grayden laying close by and ready to clean up any spit-up mess he makes! Hopefully, we'll learn how to rip our dvd player soon and can post some videos of the little man.

Here is how life goes with Mom, cool, calm and content.

And here is what happens when "Mr. Mom" Rob takes over... I don't know what else to say. I guess I did marry him, HA!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Make sure you tell Grayden to not grow up anymore until he sees his Aunt Jenna and Uncle Danny - - we don't want to miss out on anything else!
