Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What i REALLY can't live without

So I was reading my sister Jenna's blog on her top 5 favorite products and couldn't resist in blogging about my top 5 things I couldn't live without for baby Grayden. I remember when Rob and I were pregnant and we went to Babies'R'us to register- and I just felt so overwhelmed! I felt like I had to register for everything and couldn't help but think we needed it all, and Rob who was with me (the frugle one) thought we didn't need any of it. Well, to be honest, we were both wrong. There are several things we have- which we in fact don't need- (Yes, Rob you were right. We didn't really need the baby monitor- our house is in fact too small. And yes- we have yet to use everyone of those blankets I registered for... In my defense it is still summer.) And there are a few things I'm so glad Rob let me win on- (the exersaucer and discover gym). But overall these are My Top Five Things I Couldn't Live Without!!

1. Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe:

Grayden is a crazy sleeper and never would stay swaddled. We'd put him down and he'd flail around and wake himself up. Enter the SwaddleMe: We love this! It keeps him warm and wrapped up and he sleeps for 11 plus hours! I know he looks a little ridiculous and a little like a mummy, but it works and has been a lifesavor for us!

2. Lasinoh Milk Storage Bags

I love these storage bags! They're great for storing breastmilk in the freezer- much better than the medela storage bags! These bags have 2 ziplock zippers and can hold over 6 ounces of milk! I even got 9 ounces in one bag and it held fine! They even can withhold being warmed in a cup of warm water without breaking! A must have for any mom who pumps!

3. Homedics Spa Sound Lullaby

I swear by this. When I first was given this as a gift- I laughed and thought it seemed silly. But this is one of the things I don't think we could have lived without- or still live without! It has a projection slide that Grayden loves to watch at night and it has 6 different sound settings, 3 nature sounds and 3 lullabys. We turn this on when it's time for Grayden to get to sleep (after we've swaddled him) and he's able to fall asleep on his own- usually within 10 minutes. It even has a timer on it, so you don't have to leave it on all night.

4. Bebe au Lait & Hooter Hiders

Actually- my mother-in-law made me mine, but she used this brand as her guide. These are absolutly fantastic if you plan to breastfeed in public. They cover nicely and have a wide top discreet to everyone else- but so you can see the baby. Since I'm working full-time now, I don't nurse Grayden, but I pump religiously and use my hooter hider to pump- whether in the car on trips or when we are out and about. I highly recommend these if you're like me and the idea of exposing yourself freaks you out alittle.

5. OxiClean for Baby

The best stain cleaner for baby spit-up, poop, pee, and vomit! I love this stain remover. We put a scoop in every load of Grayden's laundry and rarely have any stains! If we do, we soak the stained article with a scoop of the oxiclean and after washing it again-it's clean! I recommend this to anymom or mom-to-be! It's safe for babies skin too- 100% fragrance, cholorine, detergent, and dye free!


Jenna said...

Yay Jen - - this was VERY helpful! I definitely need those hooter hiders - Nana, if you are reading this, can you hook me up?? :)
Who knew that sound machine would be so great, too? See, you just never know with these little ones! Ok, now that I have re-read the list, I realized I need all these things!!

P said...

Hooter Hiders? Seriously? who came up with that name.... :)

It was so good to see you and baby Graden last night (and Rob too!). He's so precious and growing like a weed! Keep me updated on how things are going. Love you!

P said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Jen! :) I like the Lansinoh bags - and their cream - I call it the magic cream! Hope yall are doing well!