Friday, December 11, 2009

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer is Singing Loud for All To Hear

I love Christmas. I love Christmas trees, stockings, red and green decor, and Elf. Perhaps, my favorite thing about Christmas is the fact that I can watch, rewatch, and watch Elf. As many times as I want.And I do. "Bye, Buddy, hope you find your dad." "Then who do they think put the presents under the tree, I suppose they think parent's do that too?"... Oh. I love it. "What's a Christmas Gram? I want one!" See, I've got you in the spirit now, too, don't I? Thought so.

Anyway, Christmas is 2 weeks away, and I still haven't posted about Thanksgiving...So here's the quick, yep, quick, (I promise) run-down. Rob's parent's came for Thanksgiving. It was the smallest Thanksgiving get-together I've ever been at. It was quiet, relaxing, and the food was great (thanks to my awesome cooking skills). So, there you have it. That was our Thanksgiving day. Ah, I couldn't let you off that easy. We really did have a great time with them, despite my horrible redbox movie picking skills. First, in my defense, there is nothing out. Second, it was Thanksgiving, so any movie worth renting was already gone. So here is my terrible, mortifying, red-box experience: So, Thanksgiving night...Rob and I head to redbox to get a movie for Dave and Phyllis (Rob's parents) and us to watch...We get to the Box: Skim through the movies, and nothing jumps out at us....I know that Rob's mom likes a good chick flick, so the movie dummy in me suggests "The Ugly Truth", Rob says, nah, probably not, And I say, oh why not? It looked like a good little chick flick....This was my first mistake, to ignore my husband's sound advice...He still disagrees with me, but says okay...I realize after we've checked it out, that it's rated R for S-E-X or related info. Oops. Mistake number 2, always check ratings first. So, we get home and I give the big disclaimer: "I may have made a poor choice....I didn't realize the rating". Phyllis asks what we got, tells us she already has seen it, but we can decide for ourselves...Mistake number 3: Letting mother in law convince you to watch R-rated movie with her and her husband in room!!!... Let's just say if you have not seen this movie; Don't. Unless you enjoy disgustingly, crude, horrible, mortifying sexual innuendos and awkward scenes. Rob's parent's were good sports like always....I believe Rob's dad stated "Well it could be violence...violence is much worse" Thank you David, for your kind words, but no violence is not worse than watching a gross, crude movie with your in-laws. The next day, I attempted to redeem myself with another Redbox...Let me just say I picked the most boring and dull movie ever...I accept the fact that I am now fired from EVER picking a movie. 

On a good note: My nephew Luke turned 1 last month and we got to celebrate his birthday with him the day after Thanksgiving... Pictures below. Funny story regarding Luke's party. Grayden had his own partay that day, when he decided to eat the icing of 3 (I'm guessing, I lost count here) cupcakes. The party that followed that party included several nasty smelling green and blue diapers. Note to self, blue and green icing in excess doesn't digest well- causes stinky poo, and can lead to diaper rash.

I'm also including a few pictures from the past few weeks, but another disclaimer: Grayden is a terrible picture taker. He refuses to be still for more than 5 seconds and my camera takes 20 seconds to take a picture. Problem? Yes?

And I'll leave you with another line of the best Christmas movie ever, "I'm singing...I'm in a store and I'm SINGING!".

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fall Recap: We've been Busy, Busy, Busy!

We've fallen off the blogging world again...But we're back with a quick, brief (ok, so when have my blogs ever been brief?) recap...

Recap: Halloween
Grayden settled on the pirate costume. It was just too cute and his Gr'ma got it for him so it had special meaning... He did great with the trick or treating, although he did have a lot of practice between "Ghouls at Grassmere" (trick or treating at the zoo for those who don't live in Nashville), "Trunk or Treating" at the church, and of course the random trick or treating we did in our living room. A friend I work with invited us over to Leiper's Fork for a hayride, bonfire, hotdogs (only 4 a year! Okay, so it was probably my 6th...) and "trick or treating" in downtown Leiper's Fork. Grayden did well on the hayride...he almost seemed frozen the entire ride...expressionless. As far as the "trick or treating" Grayden would march up to the front stoop or door with his pumpkin basket and start stomping his feet. It was like he was doing a little jig. Once the candy was dropped in the basket, he would look at it, and start doing the jig again. So, the person with the candy would put another piece in, and he'd start jigging again. We finally realized that he wanted us to actually take the candy out and let him eat it.... he didn't quite get the concept that you are actually supposed to take your candy home and save it for the rest of the year... (yes this is the dietitian in me, who believes that all little boys and girls understand moderation and only eat 1 piece of their halloween candy after dinner each day). Overall, he did well and I was quite proud of how brave he was to walk up to the door all by himself- he's such a big boy. Oh- and I almost forgot to mention our Halloween morning visitors that stopped by! Sisters, Jenna and Lynsi, and my sweet nephew Luke (Jenna's mom tagged along too) came by for a quick visit. The boys were so cute together, and I really enjoyed the Hartman sister doesn't happen enough... The both of them truly are blessings in my life!!

Recap: Wedding #1
So....for those of you who may not know the story of a woman who was widowed for 5 years and swore she'd never find anyone who would marry her....My mom got engaged in August and is now MARRIED. Yep, Mom met someone who WOULD marry her (like, who wouldn't? She's awesome.) Mom got married on November 7th up in cold Michigan, although it was kinda warm there that weekend (thank goodness, my new nashville bones don't like cold...although I do miss snow). Mom's wedding was gorgeous; and she's happy. And the guy she married, (Bill, for those who are still saying, what!?)- well Bill, he's not so bad, (hehe) and I'm glad she's found someone to make her happy... I decided not to comment on how weird, surreal, strange, did I say weird? it is to stand up behind your mom as she says I do, and then the kiss the bride thing....yeah, we won't talk about that.


Recap: Wedding #2
Grayden learned to breakdance and do the cupid shuffle the next weekend at our second wedding of the month. My BFF (haha)- Christa got married on Nov 14th...and it was one of the most fun weddings I've been to. First, it was in Florida...beautiful, sunny Florida. Second, the bridesmaids were awesome, I didn't know 3 of them beforehand so I was sure it would be a little awkward, but no- they were incredible, like I totatlly think we're all BFF now. :) All in all, it was a perfect and gorgeous wedding and I felt so honored to be a part of it!

I think that's enough recapping for now: I'll try to do better and I'm only posting limited pics because that's all I have (my camera doesn't really work)- so these are all hijacked pics. I'll post more soon...or at least I'll intend to.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloween Costumes = Traumatized Grayden

Rob and I bought Grayden a pirate costume for Halloween only to find out that he hated it. He refused to wear the hat, cried uncontrollably when we attempted to put on the jacket, and ran away everytime the costume came into view. Yesterday, a friend from work gave me a Mickey Mouse costume to try, just in case the Pirate wouldn't work. So last night, we attempted the Mouse costume. He hated it too.

For a little while anyway....after several minutes of Rob and I cheering, he finally started to enjoy it.

Rob was extremely weary of the Mouse costume...our son is a boy; a warrior, a fighter, a TRUE boy. But we both had to admit he looked pretty awesome. Since Grayden seemed to get over his fear of the Mouse costume, I thought it would be a good idea to try the Pirate costume again. I laid him on the bed, took of his sweatpants, and put on his brown pirate pants... SUCCESS! No crying yet; so I preceded to put on the jacket...okay a little whimpering, but no crocodile tears yet. And then the hat, Nothing! Not a tear, not a screaming. SUCCESS! I put him on the ground... and Oh no! And they came: the biggest crocodile tears I have ever seen. And the screaming... it hurt my ears.

After a few minutes of uncontrolable sobbing, a hug from Dad, and a excitable rascal named Riley, the tears and screams subsided and came laughter! He likes it! He does like being a Pirate!

So now here's our dilema... Pirate or Mickey?

It's been suggested that we take him trick or treating twice... once in each outfit. And I think I may be leaning towards that decision the more I consider that we would be getting TWICE the candy! More for me! (Ok- I'll share with Rob too...)

Monday, September 28, 2009

A MUCH Needed Vacation: Destin 2009

I realize this post is a little overdue, but I couldn't not(double negative) post about our fantastic and wonderful vacation we took back in August. So here's a short (maybe long) commentary of our much needed relaxing vacation.

We got invited to tag along with our friends Adam and Kaleigh Crow and their kids (Reagan, 3, and Brayden, 1) to spend a long 7 days at a condo right off the beach at a resort near Destin. We hesitated to go, contemplating costs and time off- but with the condo/resort price being split 3 ways (I forgot to mention that Adam's hilarious and outgoing parents were going to be tagging along), it seemed to good of a deal to pass up. So we agreed, and we are so glad we did.

We left early on a Saturday morning. We had to take three vehicles, since our family of 3, the Crow family of 4, and the senior Crow family of 2 wouldn't all fit in a single vehicle (yet alone, any of our sedans). It was about an 8 hour drive and we left early enough to get to Destin around 2:00 (for the 80 mile hour club) and 3:00 (for the 65-70 mile hour club). We headed to the beach that afternoon, and I don't think we ever left. Okay, we didn't actually spend the entire 7 days on the beach the whole time, but it sure felt like it. Here's a few pictures from the first day at the beach:

Rob and Reagan could hardly wait to get in the water...who needs swimsuits?

Grayden loved it!

Overall, we had great weather, minus the tropical storm that hit Sunday evening. Luckily we only lost one beach day, and there wasn't any major damage. I did get to see my friend Christa while we were there; she drove up from Pensacola to spend the rainy Monday (following the tropical storm on Sunday) with us. It was a perfect day for outlet shopping.

Each morning (minus the 1 rainy) day started with Tommy and Susanna (Adams' hilarious and outgoing parents) making a fantastic breakfast, everyone scrambling to pack up every sand toy, towel, beach chair, coolers filled with drinks, tents, etc. and head to the beach. (we got smart by day 2, and smarter on day 3, and extremely smart by day 5- our load began to shrink each day.) We'd spend a good 2 hours at the beach, come back to a fantastic lunch (again usually prepared by the fabulous Tommy and Susanna), and then head to the pool. Adam and Rob are sissies and don't love to be out in the sun all day, so it worked out great for Kaleigh and I, because we'd leave the kids at the condo with the boys, and head to the pool to layout. We were definetly spoiled, and I got to read 3-4 books on the trip. (Yes I finished the Twilights...don't judge). Sometimes it's good to have sissy husbands who don't like the sun.

Each evening, we'd pick a different restaurant to try (I had some terrific seafood- Mahi Mahi may be my new favorite food), and close out our evenings with late night game night and stuff your face with leftovers, cookies, ice cream, and goldfish - or what we called the evening munchies. It was ridiculous, but oh so worth the 4# I gained. And yes I am a dietitian, back off. I like to eat too. And "IT WAS VACATION!"

The week was also filled with some go carts and putt putt. But overall, it was one of the most relaxing weeks I've had. It was a much needed vacation for all of us and I appreciated the stress-free company we had. We may need to make it an annual event...Crow, Senior Crow, and Hartman vacation 2010, here we come!

Pictures below:

The outrageous, hilarious, and fantastic Tommy Crow

Rob and Grayden at Gator Beach. yep, free gators for our viewing pleasure.

On the pier

Pineapple Willies. Yum.

Grayden loved the beach.

The Crows
The Hartmans

Grayden and Brayden in their matching floaties.

Reagan and Jen go carting!
Okay...sorry it was a long commentary. I'm not known for being very brief about anything, yet alone story telling.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

YouTube: The New Obsession

As I mentioned in our previous BAM BAM post, Grayden has a new obsession. It's called YouTube...

You see, Grayden loves to sing. For weeks now, he's been going around the house singing "God". (The song he's trying to sing..."God is so good".) But it doesn't end in the house. He sings in the car, he sings at dinner, he sings in the bathtub. All day long we hear "God"... and then we are required to pitch in and help him sing the rest of the verses and he finishes it with "ME!!!". Well after many hours, days, and nights of "God", Rob found a youtube video of puppets singing "God is so good". He loves it. We watch it several. times. a. day. So, we decided that we needed to find another song to sing (we can only take so much "God"... um that probably didn't come out right...but you get the point). So Rob found a Youtube video of a hippo and dancing dog singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". It didn't work as we had planned. "God" has now turned into "God....Weeeee Bum Bum". And it's not enough to listen to the songs. We have to let him watch the videos too. Yes, we have created a Youtube monster.

And now without further ado... I hope you all enjoy Grayden's new obsessions.


and this is the link for the full version

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bear With Us...Long Post, Rewind: Summer

Warning. This will be a long post. You see, I've had a million things I've wanted to post and blog about, but when we moved, our camera/computer usb was misplaced. I just found it today... and I'm determined to fill all of you in on the summer we've had thus far.

My last blog update was Grayden's and my trip to Ohio for our small family reunion. Since then, Grayden rode a boat, spent some lazy summer days at the pool, went to the crazy Eckler family Gatlinburg reunion, visited the Gatlinburg Aquarium, and met up with his Aunt Jenna and cousin Luke for a swim play date.

"I'm on a boat!" Grayden earned his sea legs this summer courtesy of our friends Steve and Emily. I took off on the Friday before the 4th of July and we went out boating with some friends from church. Grayden HATED his life jacket. He screamed and cried for about the first hour he wore it...which was the majority of the first leg of the trip downtown. Once we slowed down and cruised downtown, he seemed to calm down. He even began to enjoy himself. We docked the boat downtown, had some dinner, and headed back home for fireworks. "All in all, it was a good day..."

For the 4th of July, we were invited to 2 separate swim/grilling out parties. Grayden spent most of his 4th of July swimming and eating hot dogs. (He's definitely hit his quota for the year). That evening my aunt Nina, Uncle Steve, and second cousins Wyatt, Abbey, and Shelby stopped by and spent the night. Grayden had a ton of fun with his cousins and they did a wonderful job taking care and playing with him. We had a great time with all of them and so glad we got to host them for a night.

For the second year (3rd if you count the time he went in my belly)- Grayden attended the Eckler Family Reunion in Gatlinburg. Each year, this crazy family that we are somehow distantly related to get together in Gatlinburg. I'm not joking about the crazy part, and I kind of understand how Rob's family is tied to them, but nonetheless, we really do enjoy getting to tag along in all the fun. I especially love that Grayden got to spend a little time with his Nana and Papa and of course his Mamaw, his Aunt Peggy, and Senior and Junior Phil. Grayden had his first taste of bacon (thanks to Uncle Senior Phil), first taste of powdered donut (thanks to Papa and Daddy), and a smorgasbord of cookies (thanks to the cookie fest held each night along and all the ladies who couldn't resist his "pleeeassseee"). Papa even treated Grayden (and Phyllis, Rob, and I) to a visit the the Aquarium. Grayden LOVED it....And is very grateful to his Papa and Nana for treating him to one of the best days of his 17 month old life.

And before I close this EXTREMELY long post, last weekend Grayden got to have a swim play date with his cousin Luke and Aunt Jenna. It was so good to see both of them, but I know Grayden (and Rob and I too) really missed his Uncle Danny. Jenna's cousin and her son Tucker also joined in on the swim play date. The boys really enjoyed relaxing in the pool on their floats. Too bad they don't make floats like these for adults!!

We promise we'll try to do better with keeping our blog up to date... I know these LONG posts are hard to bear through!!

PS. Rob would like me to add that Senior Phil also introduced Grayden to his first taste of beef jerky. Yes, my son ate beef jerky, don't judge.