Friday, December 11, 2009

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer is Singing Loud for All To Hear

I love Christmas. I love Christmas trees, stockings, red and green decor, and Elf. Perhaps, my favorite thing about Christmas is the fact that I can watch, rewatch, and watch Elf. As many times as I want.And I do. "Bye, Buddy, hope you find your dad." "Then who do they think put the presents under the tree, I suppose they think parent's do that too?"... Oh. I love it. "What's a Christmas Gram? I want one!" See, I've got you in the spirit now, too, don't I? Thought so.

Anyway, Christmas is 2 weeks away, and I still haven't posted about Thanksgiving...So here's the quick, yep, quick, (I promise) run-down. Rob's parent's came for Thanksgiving. It was the smallest Thanksgiving get-together I've ever been at. It was quiet, relaxing, and the food was great (thanks to my awesome cooking skills). So, there you have it. That was our Thanksgiving day. Ah, I couldn't let you off that easy. We really did have a great time with them, despite my horrible redbox movie picking skills. First, in my defense, there is nothing out. Second, it was Thanksgiving, so any movie worth renting was already gone. So here is my terrible, mortifying, red-box experience: So, Thanksgiving night...Rob and I head to redbox to get a movie for Dave and Phyllis (Rob's parents) and us to watch...We get to the Box: Skim through the movies, and nothing jumps out at us....I know that Rob's mom likes a good chick flick, so the movie dummy in me suggests "The Ugly Truth", Rob says, nah, probably not, And I say, oh why not? It looked like a good little chick flick....This was my first mistake, to ignore my husband's sound advice...He still disagrees with me, but says okay...I realize after we've checked it out, that it's rated R for S-E-X or related info. Oops. Mistake number 2, always check ratings first. So, we get home and I give the big disclaimer: "I may have made a poor choice....I didn't realize the rating". Phyllis asks what we got, tells us she already has seen it, but we can decide for ourselves...Mistake number 3: Letting mother in law convince you to watch R-rated movie with her and her husband in room!!!... Let's just say if you have not seen this movie; Don't. Unless you enjoy disgustingly, crude, horrible, mortifying sexual innuendos and awkward scenes. Rob's parent's were good sports like always....I believe Rob's dad stated "Well it could be violence...violence is much worse" Thank you David, for your kind words, but no violence is not worse than watching a gross, crude movie with your in-laws. The next day, I attempted to redeem myself with another Redbox...Let me just say I picked the most boring and dull movie ever...I accept the fact that I am now fired from EVER picking a movie. 

On a good note: My nephew Luke turned 1 last month and we got to celebrate his birthday with him the day after Thanksgiving... Pictures below. Funny story regarding Luke's party. Grayden had his own partay that day, when he decided to eat the icing of 3 (I'm guessing, I lost count here) cupcakes. The party that followed that party included several nasty smelling green and blue diapers. Note to self, blue and green icing in excess doesn't digest well- causes stinky poo, and can lead to diaper rash.

I'm also including a few pictures from the past few weeks, but another disclaimer: Grayden is a terrible picture taker. He refuses to be still for more than 5 seconds and my camera takes 20 seconds to take a picture. Problem? Yes?

And I'll leave you with another line of the best Christmas movie ever, "I'm singing...I'm in a store and I'm SINGING!".

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