Friday, December 28, 2007

30 weeks 1 day!

Little man in 4D!! Here is our little guy (still no name) at 30 weeks! We had a 4D ultrasound yesterday and here are the pictures! He is 3 lbs 4 oz and measures 17 inches long. He's healthy, active, and kicking himself in the face! He looked a little cramped in there, which would explain the constant kicking and moving!

Holding his head... pondering life.

He's flexible! He's got his foot up to his face!

He's such a cool little guy! Only 10 weeks til he's here!! Keep the prayers coming!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

28 Weeks 2 days

28 weeks! So we are officially in the 3rd trimester now. Things have been going well. Little guy or "Dude" seems to be really healthy. His heartbeat has been great and he's a very active little man. He must think I am going to forget about him, because he kicks almost 24/7 (unless someone is trying to feel him, and then he gets shy...). He's approximately 2 lbs now and 15 inches long! And he's an uncomfortable little booger to carry! He's given me a lot of pain and discomfort these past few weeks and I'm not sure I'm going to like him when he comes out! He's going to be just like his daddy! Ha!

The nursery is coming along nicely- we've had two showers already and Baby Hartman is going to be well dressed and living in high class! Here's a picture of the nursery thus far.

Be sure to keep us in your prayers as we begin on the homestretch! We'll keep you posted!

Monday, November 12, 2007

23 weeks 5 days.

23 weeks and 5 days! Here's a picture of our nursery thus far. We got our crib this past weekend and even got our bedding... As you can see we've painted the room a nice bright yellow.
"Dude" has a bed! But it looks as if he may have to fight someone to sleep in it....

Riley thinks we bought her a new bed...

Anyway- the weeks are flying, but have been going well. We'll keep you updated!

Friday, November 9, 2007

19 weeks 5 days!

Here's our latest ultrasound picture. Here is baby "Dude" Hartman at 19 weeks, 5 days. He's even smiling and waving for the camera! He's a healthy little man and developing beautifully!! He's been extremely active, moving about all day long. Rob's even been able to feel him move from time to time. He's got a strong nudge and kick.

I'm now in my 6th month, 23 weeks along, and doing fantastic with the exception of a whole lot of heartburn and indigestion. But, we're over half way there! More to come!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

19 weeks

We're almost halfway there! Here's a picture of the growing belly. I've gained about 14 lbs by now and our little man is growing quickly. He's been quite active and I can usually feel him moving around when I'm laying in bed about to fall asleep. The second trimester has been fantastic so far! No more vomiting or nausea, however I have been experiencing some annoying heartburn. But all in all, things are going well and moving very quickly!
Next on our to do list:
Start cleaning out the guest room- clean the office, and begin the nursery.
Think of a name for "Dude"

Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's a boy!!

We're having a boy!!! Here's the first picture of Baby Hartman. And if you couldn't tell he's a boy!
Our first ultrasound was a very exciting event for Rob and I. We found out that I am only 16 weeks along and we also found out we're having a boy! He's definitely an active little guy- he was doing back flips and somersaults through the entire ultrasound. But he's a healthy little dude and looks as if he is developing wonderfully! We couldn't be more excited!!

Going Backwards

So last time I wrote, we were thinking I was 17 weeks along, which would put me now at 19. But now we are going backwards. I had a doctor's appointment last Wednesday and things went well. The baby had a good strong heartbeat and I was doing well. But as the doctor was pressing on my stomach, she mentioned that my uterus wasn't as big as it should be for 18 weeks. So she said, "you may not be as far along as we think", but we'll go ahead and do an ultrasound next week". So here we go- I had my ultrasound yesterday- and the baby measures 15 weeks 5 days- which means we are going backwards. "Onion butt" is back to being a "lemon head". So my new due date is now March 5th and I like March better anyways!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

17 weeks!

17 weeks! Here is the very first belly shot. I've put on about 6 lbs so far and I'm starting to get a belly. Wore my first pair of maternity pants this week. And I think I felt the baby move this past weekend! It was either the baby or gas, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it was the baby moving. Next doctor's appointment is next week. We'll keep you posted!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Our first picture as soon to be parents! I was 14 weeks in this picture. No belly shots yet- maybe we'll get some up soon!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

We're having a baby!

Well, Rob and I are having a baby! We weren't planning on this, but God has a plan for us, and it appears that a baby is in His plans. I am now 16 weeks along. And the baby is about the size of a small onion or softball! Our due date is February 9th. We're very excited, a little nervous, and very unprepared. But we believe God is watching over us and will guide us through the next 5 1/2 months! Pictures to come soon!!