Thursday, August 30, 2007

We're having a baby!

Well, Rob and I are having a baby! We weren't planning on this, but God has a plan for us, and it appears that a baby is in His plans. I am now 16 weeks along. And the baby is about the size of a small onion or softball! Our due date is February 9th. We're very excited, a little nervous, and very unprepared. But we believe God is watching over us and will guide us through the next 5 1/2 months! Pictures to come soon!!


Anonymous said...

YAY!! I am so so excited for you two!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Baby Hartman its your uncle Brian. Now remember i am your favorite, i will buy you cool toys and lots of bubbles.

Anonymous said...

What a couple of dorks

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, in the 1930's Huey was the 373rd most popular name...hint hint.

The Steckel Family said...

I found your blog! Do you have any ultrasound pics yet? Are you going to find out if it is a girl or boy, and if so, when? I'm so excited!

Jen said...

Ultrasound isn't until 20 weeks, but we'll post the picture as soon as we get it. And we are hoping to find out if Baby Hartman is a boy or girl. If he/she cooperates!