Thursday, July 9, 2009

4 years of Bliss...

Today Rob and I are celebrating 4 years of marital bliss. I'm laughing at myself, because that phrase seems so cliche. The definition of bliss is utter joy or contentment; heaven, paradise. While our marriage has had it's share of ups and downs, I'd have to say that our lives together have been utter joy and contentment and I wouldn't change one day of our lives together. Our marriage continues to grow and strengthen daily and I'm proud of how far we've come but I know that marriages takes continuous effort and work. Today we are celebrating the past 4 years but we are also celebrating the next 100 and recommitting ourselves to the commitment we made 4 years ago. That's not to say there won't be anymore thrown watermelons or broken plates in our future, but that's just part of marital bliss.


Kara Graves said...

happy anniversary!

Lynsi Hartman said...

Happy Anniversary...I just pulled out our wedding cake to try tomorrow, hope it's good! Miss you guys...give Grayden a hug and kiss from us!

Jenna said...

Yay...Happy Anniversary!!! Love you guys and loved the photos. You guys look so young in those early ones!! Miss you :)

P said...

I'm a little late catching up on your blog. Can't bellieve it's been 4 years already! Congrats to you and your beautiful family. Miss you!