Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A $3.37 dinner

For those of you who may not know, today is National Pancake Day. Now, this may not mean much to you, but for those of us who are on a super tight and it's the end of the month budget- it's GOLD. Because, on this day, IHOP (that would be the International House of Pancakes for those of you who don't know what the acronym IHOP stands for) honors this day and shows it's customers their love with a free stack of pancakes to every customer. And the best part? There are no stipulations. You come in- wait 10 minutes for you table, order a water with lemon, and ask for a stack of pancakes. Then you eat them. With delicious yummy warm syrup. And you sit back and take in the yumminess. Then you take your full belly, tip the water $3 bucks, and allow your adorable little boy (whose about to turn 2!!!!!!!!!!) to donate 37 cents to the Children's Miracle Network.

So...for those of you who missed this extremely important day- be sure to mark it on your calendar for next year-Feb 22, 2011. Your life will be changed forever.

1 comment:

rebecca said...

that is so HARTMAN. love it.