Sunday, August 29, 2010

Way Over Due: Summarizing Summer

Wow..surprise, surprise- guess who is behind in their blogging?

I have to admit, it's not that I'm ignorant to my lack of blog postings. I check my blog roll everyday, which requires me to see my own lack of postings. However, whenever I start to write, I become very overwhelmed with everything I have failed to post! Our summer has been a whirlwind of busyness. I am not sure I even know where to begin, so instead I will just tell you what these past weeks have entailed.

Our hilarious 2 year old man continues to bring happiness to our lives. He's blossomed into a true toddler. His language has exploded and if I had to predict what he would be when he grows up at this point, I would suggest an OCD singing football player. Grayden LOVES football....I don't think I can fully explain how MUCH he loves football. He lives, eats, and breathes all things football. As soon as he wakes up he asks "football tv!" which means, "turn on football please".  When we change him, he asks "football shirt please!", which means he would like to wear his OSU football jersery- in which he has worn for 4 days in a row this week....(we have to pry it off at night and wash it for the next day. he was devastated that I said no this morning. It's Sunday!), and he continually is acting out football- hiking the ball, tackling himself, and fumbling the ball-he even kicks off after he scores a touchdown. It's insanity- really it is. His other love is that of singing. And I can't leave out the dancing- he enjoys that too. About the OCD behaviors- we are hoping that this is just a stage.

Grayden has recently started Tuesday/Thursday school which he adores. He's only had 2 weeks so far- but he loves his teacher, Miss Karen and asks every time we get in the car if we are "class? go class? alright, class!" - which means "are we going to school? Yes? Alright! Class!".  He gets very upset if we are driving to the store or dinner instead...obviously class is much more fun.

Recently he has found himself a new friend and sleep mate, One of our sweet ladies we used to be in small group with from church brought Grayden a Curious George and Grayden has been attached ever since. He also insists on sleeping with his ABC blanket that his Nana made him. We also (FINALLY) converted Grayden to his big boy toddler bed. He's done great! He hasn't once got up during the night or nap time. In fact I think he prefers to get in his bed himself.

To summarize our summer so far, we've mostly stayed in - it's been beyond hot here! We've made a trip to Cincinnati to see the Reds - and will probably making another trip come playoff time! We went to Gatlinburg for the annual family reunion, took a day trip to Chattanooga, been to the zoo, and had various other small adventures. I apologize if I've left anything or anyone out- my memory is suffering! I do have a bit of bittersweet news....Our roomate and good friend, Andy has gotten engaged!! We are more than excited and happy for him, but I will admit that I'm a bit sad to see our "second child" and friend leave the nest in the next few months. We love Lauren though- and we are so happy that they've found each other.

I'll leave you with a few pictures of the little man and I promise that I will TRY to do better about updating.
Grayden with his Papa
Graydenand his teacher Miss Karen

Going to school

At the zoo

Playing football

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