This year Rob and I decided that we would stay home for Christmas Eve and morning just as a family. I'm glad we did, but I have to admit I found myself extremely depressed Christmas Eve day. Christmas Eve is supposed to be a big deal, cookies should be in the oven and being decorated, presents getting wrapped, lots of family bustling around and chatting it up getting ready for the Big Christmas Day. But this year...Rob and I spent Christmas Eve day alone (well Grayden and Riley were with us...but you know what I mean) and what did we do on our first Christmas Eve day in Tennessee?? We cleaned the garage. It was close to 60 degrees which is just a sin for someone who grew up off of Lake Erie where lake effect snow is absolutly gorgeous and perfect for Christmas eve and day!- but was 60 degrees here in warm, sunny Tennessee, so instead of cozing up near a fireplace watching Christmas movies, drinking hot chocolate and cookies in the oven- we cleaned out our garage. Yay for us! We can finally park in the garage. But BOO for non-Christmasy like Christmas eve. I guess it's official....I'm officially an adult. Does the Christmas spirit really leave after you have a child and turn 26? It appears so. Anyway- the real joy was Christmas morning- watching Grayden's excitement as he stumbled into the living room that morning and saw that for some reason unknown to him, that there was huge John Deer Tractor and an awesome retro Kitchen set next to the tree. He loved opening gifts- I'll let the pictures tell the story.
Fast Forward: We drove to Louisville Christmas day for the Hartman Christmas at Danny and Jenna's. Glad to get to spend a little time with them- although time with the sisters and brothers is NEVER long enough. We've got to plan more sister/brother trips. Grayden got spoiled by his Nana and Papa with presents, kisses, hugs and attention. (And I got a sweet new camera! Thanks Phyllis!!)Drove to Dayton Saturday- 26th, for Mamaw's 80th birthday- so we could spoil the mess out of her...which we did and she deserved all of it. Drove back to Louisville to spend more sister/brother and nephew time with Danny and Jenna, and then returned home late Sunday night. (Ps. I got a nasty GI bug Friday that continues to last until oh....Wednesday Dec 30th- GROSS).
Fast Forward: Wed Dec 30th--- GI bug forces me to MD where I get prescription. We are supposed to leave for Dayton, OH- but have to cancel because I'm on the toilet. Too much info? Yes. Thursday, New Year's Eve... Pack up car at 7:30-8:00...Start Road trip. Pit stop in Dayton 2-3:30 to see Rob's Grandpa and Grandma- (Pap and Great Nana), eat some snacks, change a few diapers and let Grayden run his legs. 6:15 arrive at Toledo Zoo for Lights "before" (actually it would be after) Christmas where we met my mom, her new husband...Bill, brothers and sister and neice- including the newbie stepbrothers and sister and nephew. Enjoyed the freezing cold and the lights... Highlight? Grayden dancing to the musical lights and his face when he saw the gianormous train set display. 11:30 pm- arrive in Grand Blanc, MI (mom's new digs)- just in time for the ball to drop. New Year's Day was actually our second Christmas day- complete with Christmas dinner, football, and presents. Sorry Mom and Bill for leaving the basement trashed with our boxes and torn up wrapping paper! Oopps! Mom was sick most of New Years Day (flu, strept throat= confinement) and the day following, so unfortunatly we didn't get to spend much time with her... But I did get lots of brother/sister niece time which was well needed. And I got to feel my sister's belly kick!! Yippee! Yep, Mandy's having another baby girl- due end of March (sorry I forgot the acutal due date). Jan 2nd: 5:00 pm- depart Grand Blanc 9:30 pm arrive in Dayton, OH, Mamaw's house. We spent Sunday morning with Mamaw and aunts, uncles, cousins; time well spent. :) And departed for home at 3:30 (eastern). Arrived at home 8:00 (central) after stopped traffic and detours north of Nasvhille. All in all- It was totally worth the exhaustation we are now suffering to see all our family. Now if you all would just move a little more south...I think we'd be all set!! Christmas pictures below... But I'll warn those who stalk my facebook- they are the same photos (it's just convenient that way...)
Oh and I'll also post some post-Christmas photos, since they are snow pictures and look like Christmas photos~(and I couldn't get these pictures in correct, sequential order, so here they are in random order!!)
1 comment:
i still want to know how grayden knew which presents were his at hartman christmas...that was impressive!
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